Flow Data

totals and means
LADWP data
time series
LADWP water-year monthly volumetric flow data transfer. Code automates extracting volumetric flow data from ZRXP ASCII data exchange format, transforming and merging updates with the active database, and exporting a csv file formatted for the OVGA data management system for groundwater production and surface water gage totals.

Zach Nelson


January 30, 2023


January 30, 2023



read data
file_path_flow <-here('data','hydro','2022-23 Water Year Transfer Packet for ICWD','VolumeMonthAF_2022-23.dat')

# annual update
sum_stations <- read_csv(here('data','hydro','2022-23 Water Year Transfer Packet for ICWD','summary_stations22-23.csv'))

# attribute data from wells database  
staidlist <- read_csv(here('data','hydro','staid_current.csv'))

# meta data on production wells
production.meta <- read_csv(here('data','hydro','Production.csv')) %>% 
  select(mon_pt_name, method) %>% unique()
#historical data
monthlies <- read_csv(here('data','hydro','totals_means_thru_sep_2022.csv'))# 

# meta on flow pts
flow.meta <- read_csv(here('data','hydro','Flows.csv')) %>%  select(mon_pt_name, LADWP_ID) %>% unique() %>% mutate(staid = as.character(LADWP_ID)) %>% select(-LADWP_ID)
parse .dat ascii
dat_content <- readLines(file_path_flow)

# Initialize variables to store data
data_list <- list()

# Function to check if a line contains timestamp and value
is_data_line <- function(line) {
  grepl("\\d+ \\d+\\.\\d+", line)

# Loop through each line in the file
for (line in dat_content) {
  # Check if the line starts with '#TSPATH'
  if (startsWith(line, "#TSPATH")) {
    # Extract 'staid' from the '#TSPATH' line
    staid <- sub('.*/([^/]+)/VOLUME/.*', '\\1', line)
  # Check if the line does not start with '#' and contains timestamp and value
  if (!startsWith(line, "#") && is_data_line(line) && !is.na(staid)) {
    # If the line does not start with '#' and contains timestamp and value,
    # add data to the list directly
    data_list <- c(data_list, list(data.frame(staid, dateread = line)))

# Combine the data frames in the list into a single data frame
ann.update <- dplyr::bind_rows(data_list)
separate date read column
#separate the data column and assign numeric class to value
ann.update2 <- ann.update %>% separate(dateread, c("date", "read"),sep = " ") 
ann.update2$read <- as.numeric(ann.update2$read)
date columns
ann.update2$datetime <- ymd_hms(ann.update2$date)

ann.update3<-ann.update2 %>% mutate(year = year(datetime),
                            month = month(datetime),
                            month_abbr = month(datetime, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE),
                            day = mday(datetime),
                            date.y.m.d = make_date(year, month,day))

# select, rename, ljoin, select columns
ann.update4<-ann.update3 %>% select(-date)%>% rename(date = date.y.m.d)%>% left_join(staidlist, by = 'staid') %>% select(staid,description,read,date,year,month,month_abbr) 

# mutate case when year breaks/types
ann.update5 <- ann.update4 %>% mutate(wy = case_when(month >= 10 ~ year + 1,
                                          month <= 9 ~ year),
                           roy = case_when(month <= 3 ~ year - 1,
                                           month >= 4 ~ year),
                           irrag = case_when(month %in% c(4,5,6,7,8,9) ~ year))
summary stations
# wide to long format using gather()
sstations <- sum_stations %>% 
  gather(staid,read,-date) %>% 
  left_join(staidlist, by = 'staid') %>% select(-desc_id)%>% 
  mutate(month = month(date),
         year = year(date),
         month_abbr = month(date, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE)
split into ovga and ic updates
# append rows of summary stations to the annual update
update.merged.ic <- bind_rows(sstations,ann.update4)
# without - don't append b/c ovga doesn't have that
update.merged <- ann.update4# for ovga, don't need summaries

ICWD Flow export

IC date columns
# for ic master db
update.merged.ic <- update.merged.ic %>% mutate(wy = case_when(month >= 10 ~ year + 1,
                                          month <= 9 ~ year),
                           roy = case_when(month <= 3 ~ year - 1,
                                           month >= 4 ~ year),
                           irrag = case_when(month %in% c(4,5,6,7,8,9) ~ year))
update IC DB
totals_means <- bind_rows(update.merged.ic, monthlies)
# tm_all_merged

# update.merged3 %>% get_dupes()
# 0
write updated IC DB
# totals_means %>% write_csv('totals_means_thru_sep_2021.csv')
totals_means %>% write_csv(here('data','hydro','totals_means_thru_sep_2023.csv'))
totals_means %>% write_csv(here('output','totals_means_thru_sep_2023.csv'))

OVGA Flow export

filter no value -777
tm <- ann.update5 %>% filter(read != -777)
# tm
split flow vs production
# 6758+2244

# flow
flowdf <- tm %>% filter(!str_detect(staid, "[[:alpha:]]"))%>%
  mutate(staid = ifelse(str_detect(staid, "^0"), str_replace(staid, "^0+", ""), staid))

flow_ovga <- flowdf %>% left_join(flow.meta, by = 'staid') 
# %>% filter(!is.na(mon_pt_name))

# use below
proddf <- tm %>% filter(str_detect(staid, "[[:alpha:]]"))
ovga flow columns
sw.flow <- flow_ovga  %>% 
  mutate(WellName = mon_pt_name,
         FlowDate = date,
         FlowRateAcFtPM = read,
         FlowRateCFS = "",
         FlowRateGPM = "") %>% 
  select(WellName,FlowDate,FlowRateAcFtPM, FlowRateCFS, FlowRateGPM)
  # filter(FlowRateAcFtPM < 600000) %>%

# columns up to date 1/30/24 zn
sw.flow %>% datatable()
find/remove duplicates
dupes <- sw.flow %>% get_dupes() 

swflow2 <- sw.flow %>% anti_join(dupes)
write ovga flow
swflow2 %>% write_csv(here("output","ovga_swflow_import_wy23.csv"))

OVGA Production export

ovga production columns
prod_ovga <- proddf %>% left_join(production.meta, by = c('staid' = 'mon_pt_name'))  

tm.well.flow <- prod_ovga %>% 
  mutate(WellName = staid,
         StartDate = date,
         EndDate = ceiling_date(date,'month'),
         AgUsageAF = '',
         MIUsageAF = read,
         TotalUsageAF = read,
         Method = method,
         Notes = '') %>% 
  select(WellName,StartDate,EndDate, AgUsageAF, MIUsageAF, TotalUsageAF, Method, Notes)

#up to date 1-30-24
tm.well.flow%>% datatable()
find/replace duplicates
dupeswell <- tm.well.flow %>% get_dupes() 
# 0
# tmwellflow <- tm.well.flow %>% anti_join(dupeswell)
write ovga production
tm.well.flow %>% write_csv(here("output","ovga_production_import_wy22-23.csv"))

removed the following staids after some iteration as they are not on the basin list: F103 V082 F380 F381 F382 F104 W426 F022 F391

QAQC Check updates on plots

Totals and Means - summary stations requested

OVR Owens Valley Runoff

tm2 <- totals_means
monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "OVR" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Owens Valley Runoff

OVPW Owens Valley Pumped Water

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "OVPW" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Owens Valley Pumped Water

FTC L.A.A. Total Flow to the City

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "FTC" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

LAA Total Flow to the City

LOLU Lower Owens River Project – Lakes and Ponds Use

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "LOLU" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Lower Owens River Project – Lakes and Ponds Use

LOOU Lower Owens River Project – Operations

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "LOOU" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Lower Owens River Project – Operations

LORPDU Lower Owens River – Delta Uses

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "LORPDU" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Lower Owens River – Delta Uses

LORPRU Lower Owens River – River Uses

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "LORPRU" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Lower Owens River – River Uses

LORPTU Lower Owens River Project Total Uses

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "LORPTU" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Lower Owens River Project Total Uses

LOWU Lower Owens River Project – Waterfowl Uses

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "LOWU" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Lower Owens River Project – Waterfowl Uses

MBR Mono Basin Runoff

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "MBR" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Mono Basin Runoff

MTWP Mono Tunnel at West Portal

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "MTWP" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Mono Tunnel at West Portal

OLTU Owens Lake Total Uses

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "OLTU" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Owens Lake Total Uses

OVFG Owens Valley Flowing Groundwater

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "OVFG" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Owens Valley Flowing Groundwater

OVGR Owens Valley Groundwater Recharge

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "OVGR" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Owens Valley Groundwater Recharge

OVIR Owens Valley Irrigation

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "OVIR" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

Owens Valley Irrigation

SHTO South Haiwee Total Outflow (1+2+3+BP)

monthly_uses_syncplot(staid_p = "SHTO" ,data = tm2, group_name = 'ov')

South Haiwee Total Outflow (1+2+3+BP)

Stream Flow

Little Pine Creek

monthly_flow_syncplot_staid(staid_p = '2051' ,data = totals_means,group_name = 'a')

Little Pine Creek @ McMurry Rd 2051


runoff year pumping totals

tozoo <- function(x) zoo(x$total_pumping, x$roy2)
dyMultiColumn <- function(dygraph) {
  dyPlotter(dygraph = dygraph,
            name = "MultiColumn",
            path = system.file("plotters/multicolumn.js",
                               package = "dygraphs"))


linked_wells <- c("W210","W378","W379","W389")

DF <- tm2 %>% filter(staid %in% linked_wells) %>% mutate(case_when(read < 0 ~ 0)) %>% group_by(roy,staid)%>% summarise(total_pumping = sum(read)) %>% select(roy,staid,total_pumping) %>% mutate(roy2 = make_date(roy,4,1))

DF[is.na(DF)] <- 0

# %>% replace(is.na(.), 0)

Data <- do.call(merge, lapply(split(DF, DF$staid), tozoo))

Data %>% dygraph(group = 'a') %>% 
  dyAxis("y", label = "Total Annual Pumping (AF)", valueRange = c(0, 8000))

BP1 linked wells


linked_wells <- c("W220","W229","W374","W375")

DF <- totals_means %>% filter(staid %in% linked_wells) %>% mutate(case_when(read == -777 ~ 0)) %>% group_by(roy,staid)%>% summarise(total_pumping = sum(read)) %>% select(roy,staid,total_pumping) %>% mutate(roy2 = make_date(roy,4,1)) %>% replace(is.na(.), 0)

Data <- do.call(merge, lapply(split(DF, DF$staid), tozoo))

Data %>% dygraph(group = 'a') %>% 
  dyAxis("y", label = "Total Annual Pumping (AF)", valueRange = c(0, 6000))

BP2 linked wells


linked_wells <- c("W222","W223","W231","W232")
DF <- tm2 %>% filter(staid %in% linked_wells) %>% mutate(case_when(read == -777 ~ 0)) %>% group_by(roy,staid)%>% summarise(total_pumping = sum(read)) %>% select(roy,staid,total_pumping) %>% mutate(roy2 = make_date(roy,4,1))%>% replace(is.na(.), 0)

Data <- do.call(merge, lapply(split(DF, DF$staid), tozoo))

Data %>% dygraph(group = 'a') %>% 
  dyAxis("y", label = "Total Annual Pumping (AF)", valueRange = c(0, 12000))

BP3 linked wells


linked_wells <- c("W331")

DF <- tm2 %>% filter(staid %in% linked_wells) %>% mutate(case_when(read == -777 ~ 0)) %>% group_by(roy,staid)%>% summarise(total_pumping = sum(read)) %>% select(roy,staid,total_pumping) %>% mutate(roy2 = make_date(roy,4,1))%>% replace(is.na(.), 0)

Data <- do.call(merge, lapply(split(DF, DF$staid), tozoo))
# Data <- tozoo(DF)
# Data
Data %>% dygraph(group = 'a') %>% 
  dyAxis("y", label = "Total Annual Pumping (AF)", valueRange = c(0, 6000))
Figure 1: BP4 linked to well W331

Exempt Wells - Fish Hatchery and 218, 219

linked_wells <- c("W218","W219","W330","W332")

DF <- tm2 %>% filter(staid %in% linked_wells) %>% mutate(case_when(read == -777 ~ 0)) %>% group_by(roy,staid)%>% summarise(total_pumping = sum(read)) %>% select(roy,staid,total_pumping) %>% mutate(roy2 = make_date(roy,4,1))%>% replace(is.na(.), 0)

Data <- do.call(merge, lapply(split(DF, DF$staid), tozoo))
# Data <- tozoo(DF)
# Data
Data %>% dygraph(group = 'a')%>% 
  dyAxis("y", label = "Total Annual Pumping (AF)", valueRange = c(0, 32000))
Figure 2: hatchery wells 330/332 and exempt wells 218/219

Big Pine Pumping Totals

linked_wells <- c("W210","W378","W379","W389","W220","W229","W374","W375","W222","W223","W231","W232","W331","W218","W219","W330","W332")

DF <- tm2 %>% filter(staid %in% linked_wells) %>% mutate(case_when(read == -777 ~ 0)) %>% group_by(roy,staid)%>% summarise(total_pumping = sum(read)) %>% select(roy,staid,total_pumping) %>% mutate(roy2 = make_date(roy,4,1))%>% replace(is.na(.), 0)

Data <- do.call(merge, lapply(split(DF, DF$staid), tozoo))
# Data <- tozoo(DF)
# Data
Data %>% dygraph(group = 'a')%>% 
  dyAxis("y", label = "Total Annual Pumping (AF)", valueRange = c(0, 32000))

Big Pine Wellfield Pumping


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Nelson, Zach},
  publisher = {Inyo County Water Department},
  title = {Flow {Data}},
  date = {2023-01-30},
  url = {https://inyo-gov.github.io/hydro-data/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Nelson, Zach. 2023. “Flow Data.” Data Report. Inyo County Water Department. https://inyo-gov.github.io/hydro-data/.